FEANOR SIPGRADE project - 高精度长度测量仪器 [2008-06-23] |
FEANOR SIPGRADE project - 高精度长度测量仪器
Upgrade of SIP Genevoise Measuring Machines
以前的SIP(SIP 550M, SIP 302, SIP 305M)校准长度测量...
Feanor 芬诺 - 刀具及测量仪研究公司--中国(广州)国际机床展6月16-19日(1A 718展台) [2008-06-13] |
ESTONIA Country presentation during GIMT AMB Machine Tool Show (Booth 1A 718)
九届中国(广州)国际机床展,时间为 6月16-19日(1A 718 展台)
EICC Tallinn
The Estonian Italian Chamber of Commerce promotes business with Estonia.
If you would like to k...
Feanor LP30激光干涉仪 [2008-06-13] |
Laser interferometer LP30 – 3D in basic configuration for linear displacement, vibrations and velocity measurements, positioning measurement,
and with the system for vertical and horizontal straightness measurement.
Feanor非标圣诞树刀 [2008-06-13] |
New patented design for gas turbine rotors
★Use of 2 solid carbide tools instead of 4 tools 使用2硬质合金刀具,而不是4刀具
★ Save of presetting time(compared to insert tools),from 1400 hours to 900 hours for co...
东博会(上海) 7月9日-12日-FEANOR非标刀具为涡轮机 [2008-06-11] |
东博会(上海) 7月9日-12日-FEANOR非标刀具为涡轮机
Feanor design and manufacture high precision Special Cutting Tools, special Metrology and Measuring Equipment (measurement of shafts, roundness, laser interferometry, gear metrology) and Software for...
LP 30 激光干涉仪(Laser Interferometer)- 芬诺公司(Feanor) [2007-12-27] |
激光干涉仪 ( Laser Interferometer )
型号: LP 30 Compact
产地: Estonia
1. 线性测量分辨率 : 0.001μm
2. 线性测量范围: 30m
3. 线性测量精度 : ±1.5ppm
4. 最高测量速度: 30m /min
5. 长期稳频精度: ±0....
Feanor计量学训练 [2007-12-25] |
Feanor Training in Metrology - Feanor 计量学训练
The Italian Institute of Commerce ICE and the Italian National Metrology Institute for Research in metrology INRIM organized a technical workshop in Tunisia in October, within the Mediterranean coop...
Feanor QMSOFT - 软件技术实现对检定和校准的过程控制 [2007-12-17] |
转载 QMSOFT - 软件技术实现对检定和校准的过程控制 案例
Feanor 测量不确定度的评价和实验室质量控制软件 [2007-12-09] |
Feanor 芬诺: 测量不确定度的评价和实验室质量控制软件
Feanor 芬诺: Software for Assessment of the Uncertainty of Measurement and the Quality Control of the Calibration Laboratory
Keywords: 实验室质量控制 , 测量不确定度 , 评价 , 统计学分析和预测 ,...
Feanor公司参加“第四届中国(广州)国际机械装备制造业博览会” [2007-12-07] |
“第四届中国(广州)国际机械装备制造业博览会”中Feanor公司总裁卢卡先生受邀参加开幕式典礼。 转载 Feanor 芬诺 GIMEE 刀具 测量